Monday, June 18, 2007

Rowland... Rowland - that name rings a bell

Oh ya, that's because he's the guy who managed to get elected Governor of the great state of Connecticut three times. And then he went to prison for corruption.

I can't possibly waste too much time recounting this man's various evil-doings, but I simply can't pass on the opportunity to comment on today's article in the Washington Post. In it, Rowland is quoted saying, "She (Rell) threw me under the bus when it got rough..." By "rough", does he mean when it became perfectly clear that he was going to be held accountable for his illegal activity? Is he serious???

Now I'm no big fan of Jodi Rell. I find it hard to believe that there is no one in Connecticut better suited to the job of governor than she. And though she claims to be unpolitical, even lackluster M.J. would have had to be extremely dull not to realize that Rowland's goose was cooked. And had the situation been reversed, Rowland would have thrown her to the wolves and played poker that night in his basement without giving it another thought.

Poor Mr. Rowland... it had to be tough seeing the sitting Lt. Governor stand by, uh, the law of the state, rather than, um, him.

And it makes it pretty clear, doesn't it, why he was a rising star in the Republican party? This emphasis on loyalty above competence, above law, above the people he governed? Had he just managed to stay out of prison a few more years, he could have been the next Attorney General.

I can't say I've missed J.R. But it was fun to hear from him today. But with my vast PR background, I'd have to counsel him to stay quiet a bit longer....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.