Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Oh lord, who are you kidding? America is safer now than it was on 9/11? Really?

Ask the citizens of Kansas how safe they felt when the tornadoes hit and there weren't enough members of the national guard to call in because they are off serving in Iraq.

No Hillary, I don't feel safer on air travel because of reforms the government has made. Air travel has its dangers, as it did before 9/11 and will continue to long after. I know that I can no longer travel without checking my bags if I want to bring toiletries and that doesn't make me feel safer - just irritated.

No Hillary, I don't think it's notable that there haven't been any terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11 - after all, it's been six years - we'd been six years without an attack before Bush took office. And considering the attacks in London and Madrid, I don't think we have much about which to be excited.

It's utterly inexcusable that you voted for war without reading the National Intelligence Estimate. The nation was hell-bent on revenge in 2002 and you went along for the ride. Where was the national leader who could speak truth to power and say Iraq is not the threat we need to challenge? It wasn't entirely unknown - there were people out there saying it. You, yourself, wanted to take a diplomatic route, but you didn't stand by your own principles. You feared political reprisal - "soft on security." You didn't call Saddam on his bluff or Bush on his bluster.

Where would this nation be if we had not gone to war in Iraq? Our troops would not be inextricably condemned to country on the verge of catastrophe, but would instead be nimble enough to be deployed to face actual threats. We would not have enboldened North Korea and Iran and pushed their nuclear ambitions. Our support within the international community would be significantly greater. Our focus could have remained on dismantling terror sects, which actually might have made the world safer. Without Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, we would not be providing justification for the action of our enemies.

You were thinking you couldn't look weak on security issues. A need to look tough will plague a Clinton presidency. It's hard enough for a democrat to be credible on military issues, but a woman, too? I worry that your political ambitions will cloud your judgment.

In actuality, the question of whether the nation is safer now than after 9/11 is moot. Rather than talk to me about where we are, talk to me about where you will take us. How will you lead the nation forward - in terms of economics, security, civil rights, justice and social issues?

Hillary, I give you credit for being extremely intelligent and a good Senator. But I've met you on several occasions and unlike your husband, you lack the common touch. You project the image of self-promotion rather than strong leadership. When faced with a choice of doing what is in the nation's best interest and what will get you reelected, I don't trust you to make the right decision.

Certainly you are not to blame for the tragedy that has been the last seven years of American experience, but looking ahead, I want a president who will restore true American values - rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all; a president who will seek the nation's security, but not at the cost of essential freedom; a president who will restore a sense of partnership with other nations by leading with humility, strength, honor and respect. I want a president who cares more for the nation than for his or her place in that nation.

So far, you have failed to convince me that your motivations are for the the country's good rather than your own good. That is where you must begin. We have had too many years of an administration that pursued its own glory and the benefit of a few. How will your administration take the nation in a new direction?

Inspire me. I've been ashamed of the president for too long; give me something to believe in - something greater than yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
